Sunday 30th June 2013
Kindly hosted by: The Odgers, Quarrydale Flock – Park Cottages, Hollin Hall, Trawden, Lancashire, BB8 8PT Programme of events:
10.30 am – Martin Preston(Greenhill Flock) will give a talk on confirmation and breed points using both good and bad examples of Zwartbles Sheep. Followed by a fun stock judging competition of a variety of classes of stock.
12.30 pm – BBQ Lunch followed by results of stock judging 1.30 pm – Eblex Advisor Katie Brian will discuss the carcasses on display and grading of lambs using the Eblex virtual selection programme to meet market requirements .Katie is also a breeder of Zwarbles and runs 20 ewes.
3.00 pm – Cream Tea
A donation of £5 per adult will be collected on the day, the Odgers family have kindly asked that all monies collected be donated back to the ZSA and used to promote junior activities. Please bring a raffle prize contribution
For courtesy and catering numbers PLEASE can you advise Dawn Odgers of your intention to attend by 22.06.13: